Moldova, invited to attend the meeting of foreign ministers from NATO countries

The Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Finland, Sweden and Bosnia and Herzegovina were invited to participate in the meeting of foreign ministers from NATO countries, which will take place on November 29 and 30, in Bucharest, writes Agerpres, citing official sources.

The meeting will include four sessions related to the implementation of the decisions taken at the NATO summit in Madrid, the war in Ukraine, energy security and partners.

Romania hosts for the first time a meeting of NATO foreign ministers. In 2008, it hosted the NATO summit.

The formal meeting of the foreign ministers from the NATO countries was announced in April by Minister Bogdan Aurescu.


“Excellent news after today’s meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers: Romania will host the formal meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers on November 29 and 30, in Bucharest. I look forward to welcoming our allies in Romania, on the eastern flank, at the first meeting of NATO foreign ministers hosted by Romania”, wrote the head of Romanian diplomacy on Twitter.

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