Moldova Overtakes Romania in Global Anti-Corruption Rankings

The Republic of Moldova has surpassed Romania in the battle against corruption, securing the 35th position globally in the Public Integrity Index (IPI), six places ahead of Romania, as reported by, cited by IPN.

Moldova joins the ranks of 22 countries showing improvements in corruption control, while Romania remains stagnant. The IPI rankings are led by Denmark, Norway, Finland, New Zealand, and Estonia.

The global forecast by the European Research Centre on Anti-Corruption and State-Building (ERCAS) for 2024 is not optimistic. The ERCAS director anticipates a lack of political coalitions worldwide dedicated to good governance, unified by a clear program to eliminate privileges and enhance transparency. Without a deliberate movement, populists will likely remain political victors due to dissatisfaction with corruption.

Moldova excels in transparency (ranking in the global top 10) and digital citizenship. The country has adopted all anti-corruption laws and institutions, largely encouraged and financially supported by the international community.

While acknowledging the need for a current evaluation of the judicial system, the results remain to be validated by future performances. Moldova boasts transparency, reaching the global top 10, and possesses a critical mass of e-citizens. The country requires EU support to address structural issues undermining good governance, gray areas related to the separatist Transnistria, and its Soviet legacy.

The European Research Centre on Anti-Corruption and State-Building used six indicators for the 2023 Public Integrity Index: administrative transparency, online services, budget transparency, independence of the judicial system, e-citizenship, and press freedom.


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