Tag: corruption

At least 15 episodes of systemic corruption: Orhei Hospital investigation

Employees of the National Anti-Corruption Center (NCAC) searched for two employees of the narcology department of the Orhei district hospital. The head of the department and a narcology doctor are systemic corruption...

Moldova Overtakes Romania in Global Anti-Corruption Rankings

The Republic of Moldova has surpassed Romania in the battle against corruption, securing the 35th position globally in the Public Integrity Index (IPI), six places ahead of Romania, as reported by romaniacurata.ro,...

Rising Concerns: Intensified Fiscal Controls Stir Corruption Fears in Moldova

In an effort to boost revenue collection, authorities, led by the State Fiscal Service, are aggressively ramping up their efforts. However, the field of state control itself is a sensitive area prone...

Mihai Popsoi Calls for Expanded Powers for Intelligence Agency to Combat Corruption and Protect National Interests

Parliament Vice President Mihai Popșoi has stated that the additional prerogatives offered to the Information and Security Service (SIS) aim to protect the interests of the state, including preventing situations where lawmakers...

“Only together can we get the country out of the gray area of corruption.” according to Maia Sandu

"On International Anti-Corruption Day, let us all reaffirm our commitment to fight this scourge. Reforming the judiciary and strengthening the independence and capacity of institutions to fight corruption are key elements in...

VIDEO Exclusive interview with Serghei Carapunarlî, about the seizure and confiscation of illegally obtained property

Weekly, our society is informed about goods and luxury properties obtained illegally, which the state decides to seize following some investigations. Few, however, know about the determining role of the Criminal Asset...

The US is helping Moldova in the fight against corruption. Plahotniuc and Șor, declared undesirable

The fugitive and oligarch Vlad Plahotniuc and Ilan Șor were included in the list of sanctions of the United States of America and they were forbidden to enter the USA, and their...

Maia Sandu’s project on the confiscation of corruption-related assets, voted in Parliament

The draft law launched by the president of the country, Maia Sandu, regarding the procedure which makes it possible to confiscate assets accumulated by corruption was voted in the first reading today,...


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