
Moldova successful synchronisation with Continental Europe power systems

Following an urgent request by Moldova and Ukenergo for emergency synchronization, the Transmission System Operators (TSOs) of Continental Europe agreed to start on March 16th the trial synchronization of the Continental European Power System with the power systems of Ukraine and Moldova.

The acceleration of the synchronization project which was in the process since 2017 has now been possible due to the fact that proper risk mitigation measures have been taken and the conducted studies unveiled the proper protocol for action.

Continental Europe TSOs are now supporting the stability of the Ukrainian-Moldovan power system following a positive analysis which confirmed that an emergency synchronization is technically feasible with a number of measures to ensure safe and secure power systems, according to entsoe.eu.

This is an important milestone for the Continental Europe TSOs in terms of collaboration with partners such Ukrenergo and Moldelectrica which are operating their power systems under extremely difficult circumstances.

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