Moldova to advance digital transformation through digital skills development and entrepreneurship

A Partnership Agreement to advance digital skills development and entrepreneurship in the Republic of Moldova is being signed today between the Estonian Center for International Development (ESTDEV) and Future Technologies Activity (FTA), funded by USAID and Sweden, and implemented by Chemonics International.

This Partnership Agreement establishes a high-level framework, as well as the basis and the principles for the cooperation for 2022-2026.

ESTDEV and FTA will jointly support initiatives with a dual goal of creating a favorable ecosystem for innovations and startups; and strengthening the policy environment for digital education and digital skills development needed to drive Moldova’s economy.

“ESTDEV is happy to kick off the partnership with FTA, in collaboration with USAID and Sweden, to promote the digital transformation in education as well as empower the startup sector of Moldova. Over the last decades, Estonia has put a lot of effort into modernizing its education sector, making it innovative, competitive and resilient, that is showing world class results and preparing students for the future [..] I believe that Moldova’s commitment, supported by the joint efforts of Estonia, Sweden and USAID, will result in a significant development of Moldova’s ecosystem for education as well as economy, ” said Kadri Maasik, Executive Director, ESTDEV.

“USAID Moldova is thrilled to formalize a partnership with ESTDEV in Moldova through the Future Technologies Activity in cooperation with co-donor Sweden. Estonia’s world class digital education system and its remarkable startup ecosystem make it a natural partner for Moldova as it invests in digital transformation and entrepreneurship. This partnership will operationalize the USAID – Estonia Ministry of Foreign Affairs bilateral cooperation framework for fostering human centric digital transformation in Moldova in very tangible ways. By expanding digital pedagogy, expanding the Future Classroom Lab program, and improving the digital ecosystem and readiness of education actors, ESTDEV, USAID, and Sweden will help prepare Moldova’s students for the jobs and economy of the future. And by investing in Moldova’s entrepreneurship ecosystem and startup support initiatives, we will lay the groundwork for the next great business ideas to become realities, ” said Scott Hocklander, Mission Director, USAID Moldova.

“Sweden, as a co-donor of the Future Technologies Activity alongside USAID, is very happy to be partnering with ESTDEV to implement digital education and entrepreneurship initiatives in Moldova. Estonia’s development journey is a great model for Moldova to follow as it invests in future skills, digitalization, and innovation. We look forward to collaborating with USAID, our Estonian colleagues, and Moldova’s government, academia, and private sector to build a Moldovan business and educational ecosystem that will benefit students, professionals, and businesses for years to come. Our collaboration over the next four years will help set Moldova on the path to becoming a global leader in technology and innovation that is home to dynamic and sustainable businesses, ” said Adam Amberg, Head of Development Cooperation of Sweden in Moldova.

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