Moldova was ranked 21st out of 120 in the world budget transparency report


Moldova has improved public access to budget information, according to the 2021 Open Budget Survey. The results were presented on Wednesday by the Independent Expert-Grup Analytical Center at a dedicated conference with representatives of the Ministry of Finance, EU Delegation (EU) in Moldova, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Office in Moldova, Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova, writes

Our country’s budget transparency score has increased from 57 points in 2019 to 65 points in 2021 out of a total of 100. This means that citizens have gained greater access to the information they need to get involved in the process of decision-making and accountability of the Government.

The result indicates a significant improvement in the disclosure of information on budget documents and places the Republic of Moldova on 21st place out of 120 countries that were included in the evaluation, along with countries such as Bulgaria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania and the Czech Republic.

Unlike the 2019 assessment, in 2021 there is an increase in the detail of budget documents, in particular, Moldova has increased the availability of budget information by publishing online the semi-annual budget execution report.

The study also shows that Moldova has a 67-point level of oversight by Parliament and the Court of Auditors. The score is similar to countries in the region such as Bulgaria and Croatia.

In terms of participation, the Republic of Moldova registered an upward trend compared to the evaluation 2 years ago, from 4 points to 11 points, a score significantly higher and very close to the global average of 14 points, which means that the Government managed to increase the involvement of citizens in the budgeting process. The score recorded by the Republic of Moldova indicates an proximity to neighboring countries such as Romania, Hungary and the Czech Republic.

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