Moldovan Customs Service launched the “Automatic Validation Procedure”

The Customs Service has announced the launch of an automatic validation procedure aimed at streamlining trade operations and facilitating the work of economic agents. Supported by the EU project, European Union High-Level Advisers Mission, this initiative marks a significant step forward in enhancing efficiency and reducing waiting times for businesses.

During the launch event, Igor Talmazan, the head of the Customs Service, emphasized the positive impact of the new application on enterprises’ interactions with customs bodies. He highlighted that the automatic validation of customs declarations at export will significantly shorten waiting times, with plans to extend this procedure to imports in the near future. These measures are designed to alleviate the burden on economic agents and foster smoother transactions.

Rosario de Blasio, EU High-Level Adviser on Customs and Tax Policy, hailed the introduction of automatic validation as a welcome development that will deliver tangible benefits to the business environment. Emphasizing the importance of building mutual trust between the Customs Service and businesses, he underscored the role of these procedures in promoting cooperation and facilitating economic activity.


The automatic validation procedure represents a shift towards digitalization and automation, marking a departure from the previous manual processes that could take up to two hours. With the new system, validation times are expected to be significantly reduced to approximately 15 minutes, improving efficiency and expediting trade operations.

Following successful testing, the automatic validation procedure is now fully operational. Plans are underway to train additional economic agents on its implementation, with further rollouts scheduled for March. This ongoing commitment to refinement and enhancement underscores the Customs Service’s dedication to supporting economic growth and fostering a conducive business environment.

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