Moldovan military was injured during a rally in northern Kosovo

About 25 members of the NATO international contingent (KFOR) were injured after clashes in northern Kosovo, where Serb demonstrators are demanding the resignation of Albanian mayors. Foreign media, referring to the Italian Ministry of Defense, write that there is also a Moldovan military among the victims.

The Moldovan Ministry of Defense confirmed that two Moldovan soldiers from the NATO international contingent were slightly injured during clashes with protesters in northern Kosovo.

According to official figures, both soldiers received minor injuries.

“To stabilize the situation in the north of Kosovo, units of the KFOR mission contingent, including the National Army, were involved in measures to prevent riots. As a result of the clashes, two Moldovan soldiers received minor injuries. Nothing threatens their health, as well as the health of all peacekeepers of the Moldovan contingent. The Moldovan military returned to their places of permanent deployment and continue to perform tasks,” the ministry said in a statement.

The National Army contingent participates in events held according to UN Security Council Resolution 1244.

“The mission of the KFOR troops is to ensure the security of all communities according to their mandate established by this resolution. We are in constant contact with our military from the KFOR-18 contingent in Kosovo,” the Ministry of Defense noted.

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