More Moldovans are appealing to the European Court of Human Rights. Olesea Stamate believes that this trend reflects the poor state of justice in the country

According to Olesea Stamate, to understand the state of the justice system in Moldova in 2023, we must analyze the statistics from the European Court of Human Rights in 2026-2027. This will provide us with the necessary data. Olesea Stamate made this statement during an interview with Radio Chisinau. The jurist said it takes several years for cases to go through the national courts. Only then can the hearing of the European Court of Human Rights be requested.

According to Olesea Stamate, the files at the European Court of Human Rights relate to cases that were heard by Moldovan judges since 2020 or earlier, based on applications filed in 2023. At the same time, according to the deputy, the report should be examined to establish what issues the files cover.

“I have not had the opportunity to thoroughly examine the report or the figures that would provide us with more information. The applications to the European Court of Human Rights concern various stages of the judicial process. To apply with the European Court of Human Rights ‘means that you have exhausted the national courts. At the first level, consider the appeal and, if necessary, the extraordinary route. In essence, have you considered the time required to complete the national stages before applying to the European Court of Human Rights? On most claims filed last year, this would mean that litigation began in 2020. The number of applications lodged with the European Court of Human Rights does not reflect the current state of the law.Most of them concern lawsuits that took place three, four, five, six years ago and could only now be submitted to the European Court of Human Rights, ” Olesea Stamate said.

It is important to note that since 1997 and up to and including 2022, the European Court of Human Rights has handed down 575 judgments in cases concerning Moldova, according to the Centre for Justice Reforms.


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