Ex-President Dodon Faces Multiple Criminal Charges: “Kuliok” Case in Prosecution Stage, Confirms Dragalin

The former President of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Dodon, is currently under investigation in three criminal cases, including the notorious “Black Bag” (from the Russian ‘kuliok’ – plastic bag) case, where he is accused of illicit enrichment, violating the management of financial resources of political parties, treason, passive corruption, and accepting funding for the Socialist Party from a criminal organization.

Veronica Dragalin, the Head of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, has confirmed that this case has reached the prosecution stage. When questioned about the timeline for the court’s decision, Dragalin refrained from providing a specific answer, emphasizing that she could not predict the duration of the ongoing investigative phase.

In a recent interview with Pro TV, Veronica Dragalin was asked about the potential conclusion of the “Kuliok” case.

“At the moment, we have focused on sending the person physically present in Moldova to trial and expediting the examination of the evidence. However, actions related to those who allegedly bribed the former president, Igor Dodon, are also at the prosecution stage. I cannot give you an estimate of when it will conclude, but it is currently under investigation,” The head of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office mentioned


When questioned about the thoroughness of the case, Dragalin commented, “I cannot say because it depends on whether the defense’s witness list will be accepted.”

Igor Dodon is the first head of state to face trial for offenses committed during his term in office. Consequently, the case is under scrutiny by the Supreme Court of Justice judges.

Dodon faces a range of charges, including illicit enrichment, violation of the management of financial resources of political parties, treason, passive corruption, and accepting funding for the Socialist Party from a criminal organization. The former president vehemently denies all accusations, asserting his innocence throughout the legal proceedings.

The legal community and the public await the conclusion of this high-profile case, which has significant implications for Moldova’s political landscape.

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