
Multi-million euro investment in energy sector of Moldova

A new loan agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.The loan of 15 million euros is going to be used to improve Moldova’s energy sector in terms of efficiency. 

A part of the obtained money is also going to be directed to the modernization of the thermal energy system of BălÈ›i municipality “CET-Nord”. The project is already on the Government’s table and is to be approved during this week’s Cabinet meeting, according to realitatea.md.

According to the loan agreement, with the money contracted from the EBRD, the Republic of Moldova aims to modernize CET-NORD by:

  • supply and installation of individual heating points
  • implementation of the horizontal distribution system of the thermal agent and hot water inside the residential blocks
  • construction of a heat storage tank
  • modernization of water treatment plants
  • providing thermohydraulic modeling software

Following the implementation of the Project, the following economic and environmental benefits will be achieved:

  • Number of apartments connected to the horizontal heat distribution system and hot water services – 22 281;
  • Energy savings – 14 826 Gcal / year, due to the installation of the ITP and the installation of the horizontal heat distribution system;
  • Thermal energy production will increase by 17% – 33 942 Gcal, due to the hot water services offered throughout the year;
  • Electricity production will increase by 36,791 MWh / year, due to the hot water services offered throughout the year;
  • Reduction of CO2 emissions – 23 681 tons / year;
  • Repayment of historical debt for natural gas consumed – 100%.

The project has a 3 year implementation period, (2022-2025).

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