Six PAS deputies and representatives of diplomatic missions participated in the pro-LGBT March

Six PAS deputies participated in the Solidarity March on Sunday, June 19. Angelica Frolov from GenderDoc-M announced this. These are Dumitru Alaiba, Eugeniu Sinchevici, Vitalie Gavrouc, Marcela Nistor, Galina Sajin and Evghenia Cojocari. At the same event, representatives of diplomatic missions were present.

“Some people still couldn’t come because they weren’t in the country. My Moldova is changing, slowly but surely maturing and turning into a country from which people will no longer want to leave. At least homophobia and transphobia may not be what drives people away from the country. Moldova, I love you! Every bright face in our march makes me happier, “said Angelica Frolov.

According to the organizers, about 500 people participated, this being the largest number of participants in the Pride March in all the history of its development in the Republic of Moldova. The route was also the longest so far – from the intersection of Bucharest and Ismail streets to the Council of Europe Square.

The march ended peacefully. Public order was ensured by police and masked men. See the video from the meeting below:

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