New Agreement on improving the respect for human rights in Transnistria

The Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration, Oleg Serebrian, the Resident Coordinator Simon Springett and the heads of some agencies of the United Nations Organization in Moldova signed the Agreement for the implementation of the project “Building sustainable and inclusive peace, strengthening trust and social cohesion in Moldova”, which aims improving and strengthening respect for human rights in the Transnistrian region.

The project aims to improve and strengthen respect for human rights in the Transnistrian region, with the transposition of good practices and standards implemented on the right bank and at the international level, while also stimulating the promotion of gender equality, initiatives aimed at young people, strengthening projects of trust and elimination of disappearances between both banks.

Through this project, it is proposed to increase the degree of interaction between both banks in order to ensure proportional access to essential assistance services, the realization of universal instruments to guarantee human rights, the implementation of peace-building initiatives and the prevention of compliance rhetoric, the involvement more active women in the peace processes, thus contributing to support the desired sustainable settlement of the Transnistrian conflict and reintegration of the country.

We specify that, previously, the agreement was consulted, including with the interested and targeted national and international institutions.


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