“Nicoleta Stati Art Gallery” – at the large-scale exhibition at the Grande Halle de la Villette. IMAGES from France

Salon d’Automne is an event attended by major contemporary artists. It was held from 18 to 21 January 2024, being an anniversary edition, 120 years since its foundation. More than 1,200 works were brought together in a major exhibition at the Grande Halle de la Villette. It was an artistic event of international importance, sponsored by the French Ministry of Culture and the President of France, Emmanuel Macron.

This extraordinary event combined a major exhibition, conferences, fashion presentations, and artistic performances with music and dance! The Salon, which has been running since 1903, has spawned numerous artistic movements and major figures in contemporary art, including Matisse and Guimard. This year, nearly 1,200 stunning works were brought together in a 6,000 m2 exhibition!


Nicoleta Stati, founder and teacher of the Stati Art Creation Course, and Cristina Chelaru, teacher of the course. Aliona Ocnean, Cristina Mîndru, Lidia Grozav, Margareta Pavlov, Tatiana Èšurcanu, and Viorica Puzur, participants of the Stati Art Creation Course for adults, form the first delegation of artists from the Republic of Moldova represented at Salon d’Automne 2024.

This year, the Republic of Moldova was represented at Salon d’Automne 2024 by teachers and 6 participants of the Stati Art Creative Course for Adults, presented at the event by the private organization “Nicoleta Stati Art Gallery.”

Following a year-long artistic study program within the “Stati Art” course, the students created a series of paintings in oil on canvas technique, representing the artistic skills they had acquired and the inner feelings they wished to express in their artworks.

The exhibition of the paintings at an international exhibition, such as the Salon d’Automne 2024, enabled the participants to make the most of their creations and to launch themselves artistically.

The Stati Art creative course offers an immersive learning experience in the realm of fine arts. Our dedicated instructors prioritize the individual artistic growth and performance of each student. This comprehensive study program is tailored to nurture artistic skills and cultivate a unique artistic vision, accommodating participants of all ages and backgrounds. The curriculum is thoughtfully designed based on individual goals and interests, catering to children (7-9 years), teenagers (10-14 years), and adults (15 years and above).

Structured as a phased progression, the study program covers topics ranging from fundamental to advanced levels. The modular approach provides a solid foundation in the basics of visual language, specifically in drawing, painting, and composition.

Lessons are centered around hands-on activities, involving the creation of sketches, studies, compositions, and reproductions after art models. Participants engage in practical exercises that explore various materials and techniques of easel graphics, including pastel, sanguine, sous, charcoal, pencil, gouache, and more. This dynamic approach ensures a well-rounded understanding and practical application of diverse artistic mediums, fostering a rich and rewarding learning experience for all.

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