ODIHR launches an election observation mission in the Republic of Moldova

The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) has launched an observation mission for the presidential elections and constitutional referendum on October 20 in Moldova, following an invitation from the national authorities, reports IPN.

Urszula Gacek leads the mission, which includes a core team of 11 experts based in Chisinau. ODIHR has asked OSCE participating states to assign 26 long-term observers, who will deploy in teams of two across the country starting September 20. Additionally, ODIHR plans to request 200 short-term observers to arrive a few days before election day.

The mission will assess the conduct of the elections and referendum by OSCE commitments, other international obligations and standards, and national legislation.

The observers will closely monitor all aspects of the electoral process, including the campaign, social media activity, the work of electoral administration at all levels, election-related legislation and its implementation, respect for fundamental freedoms, media coverage, and the resolution of electoral disputes.


The observation activity also includes meetings with representatives of state authorities, political parties, civil society, the press, and the international community.

On election day, the ODIHR mission will collaborate with delegations from the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, and the European Parliament to observe the opening of polling stations, the voting process, the counting of votes, and the consolidation of results. If a second round of the presidential elections happens, the mission may extend its schedule.

An interim report will be published about two weeks before the elections to update information for the public and media. The day after the elections, the mission will present its preliminary conclusions and findings in a press conference. A final report, which will evaluate the entire electoral process and include recommendations, will be published a few months after the conclusion of the electoral process.

The ODIHR election observation mission and the OSCE Mission in Moldova operate independently under separate mandates.

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