Parliament ratifies international convention on Violence and Harassment at Work

The Parliament ratified the International Labor Organization Convention No. 190 on violence and harassment at work.

The bill was passed in two readings.

The Convention, adopted in Geneva on June 21, 2019, and entered into force on June 25, 2021, is the first international instrument to set specific, globally applicable standards for combating harassment and violence in the workplace. At the same time, it specifies necessary measures by States and other relevant actors.

“The Convention provides broad protection for workers in both formal and informal sectors of the economy, including volunteers, trainees and apprentices.”

According to the Legislative Assembly, the ratification and implementation of the Convention by the Republic of Moldova will contribute to improving the legislation in this field and solving several problems arising in practice.

In this way, the Republic of Moldova joins 36 other states that have recognized the importance of this instrument, including Albania, Greece, Italy, Spain, France, France, Great Britain, and Canada.

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