“Part of Gagauzia’s leadership is working with the Kremlin:” Sandu about the Gutsul’s visit to Moscow

Gagauz Bashkan Eugenia Gutsul’s visits to Moscow mean that she supports Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, head of State Maia Sandu said in an interview with Nokta.

“I don’t understand how people can’t see where there is peace and where there is war. We in Moldova are peaceful people. We have been working all this time to keep the peace. And I want to say that from now on, the preservation of peace is a top priority for us. We are on the side of peace, and we cannot support those who unleashed this war, those who kill peaceful people every day. People in Comrat who go there think that war is normal. I do not understand these people,” the President said.

The President emphasized that the autonomy’s leadership is connected with Moldovan oppositionist Ilan Shor.

“Part of the leadership of Gagauzia is controlled by the Shor group. And we know how they work together with the Kremlin to destabilize our country,” Sandu said.


In Moscow on April 9, Eugenia Gutsul answered questions from the RIA Novosti news agency. In particular, the Bashkan of Gagauzia said: “Putin, at a meeting in March, assured her that Russia will always support the autonomy.”

Recall that on Tuesday, Gagauz Bashkan Eugenia Gutsul and PAG Chairman Dmitry Konstantinov are in Moscow “on a working visit.” They signed an agreement on cooperation between Gagauzia and Russia’s Promsvyazbank.

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