Participate in a Playwriting Workshop and Master the Art of Writing Successful Feature Film Scripts

Participate in a playwriting workshop and learn how to write successful feature film scripts, guided by internationally renowned mentors. The cinematography playwriting courses will culminate in final drafts of 10-12 feature film scripts, two of which will be awarded. All scripts will be promoted both nationally and internationally to become film productions.

The workshop will bring together local writers and filmmakers, involving students from film, art, and journalism faculties in Moldova. Together with international mentors, they will work to select and identify the best literary works with a clear premise of cinematic potential, with a universal human theme. Subsequently, these works will be launched into the practical part of the scriptwriting process, namely the adaptation of the selected writings.

After selecting the 10-12 literary works, a team of screenwriters will be formed to work for 10 months on adapting these works into feature film scripts. Priority will be given to the authors of the selected novels, and in case some authors are unable to participate as screenwriters, participants will be selected from those interested in learning to write scripts, from the film industry, journalists, writers, or playwrights.

Find the registration form and more details about the program by accessing this page.


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