Podoliak’s Strategic Perspectives on Resolving the Transnistrian Conflict through EU Integration

For the Republic of Moldova to successfully resolve the Transnistrian conflict, it must also demonstrate to the citizens on the left bank of the Dniester River the perspectives it can offer through accession to the European Union. Moreover, the main obstacle in the way of resolving the conflict – the Russian Federation – should be removed. This opinion was expressed by the presidential adviser in Kyiv, Mykhailo Podolyak, as reported by tv8.md.

“The decision to start negotiations for the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the EU should show perspectives to many people, including those in Transnistria. It is one thing to live in a criminal enclave without prospects, and quite another to have the opportunity to become a member of the EU. It is a difficult process because of propaganda, especially Russian propaganda,” emphasized Mihail PodolYak.

According to the Ukrainian presidential adviser, even if relations between the two banks of the Dniester were to improve, Russia would remain an obstacle to the reunification of Moldova.

“There is also a second component. If the Russian Federation ceases to exist in its current political form and loses the war, it will undoubtedly transform and drastically reduce its capabilities to support such enclaves: propaganda-wise, diplomatically, and financially. Suppose the Russian Federation remains in its current form. In that case, Moscow will saturate these enclaves with aggressive rhetoric and as much money as possible to provoke the regions to break off any discussion about the prospects of Moldova’s European integration path. Only the final defeat of Russia in this war will help many countries finally secure their sovereign rights and resolve internal territorial conflicts that have allowed the Kremlin to influence these countries for a long time,” PodolYak added.

In the opinion of the Kyiv adviser, the resolution of the Transnistrian conflict depends on two aspects: effective negotiations between Moldova and the EU and Russia’s loss in the war in Ukraine. This way, Podolyak says, Russia will lose its spheres of influence.

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