President Sandu Meets with UNFPA Representative to Discuss Partnership and Projects in Moldova

Yesterday, the President of Moldova, Maia Sandu, held a meeting with the Resident Representative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in the country, Nigina Abaszada. The discussions focused on the projects implemented in Moldova and the support provided by UNFPA throughout their nearly three-decade partnership, as well as the management of the refugee crisis.

“The dialogue addressed the areas of UNFPA intervention in our country – population and development, reproductive and maternal health, and youth civic engagement. The head of state appreciated the contribution of partners in promoting health programs and thanked the UNFPA representatives for equipping seven maternity hospitals in the country with state-of-the-art equipment. President Maia Sandu encouraged the further development of projects in which young people are involved in decision-making processes and local program development. The head of state expressed hope for the continuation of this effective collaboration, which brings direct benefits to our citizens,” the presidential press release stated.


The meeting highlighted the important work carried out by UNFPA in Moldova, particularly in the areas of population development, reproductive health, and youth empowerment. The President acknowledged the positive impact of UNFPA’s support in improving healthcare services, especially in maternity facilities, and emphasized the importance of continued collaboration to address the needs of the population.

UNFPA has been a valuable partner for Moldova over the years, contributing to various initiatives and programs aimed at promoting sustainable development and improving the well-being of individuals and communities. The meeting between President Maia Sandu and UNFPA’s representative further strengthens the commitment to work together towards achieving common goals and enhancing the lives of the people in Moldova.

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