Prime Minister at IMF and World Bank Constituency meeting: The government is actively advancing on the European path

The government is actively advancing on the European path. It strives to grow the economy and raise living standards to change public perceptions and build confidence in state institutions. Prime Minister Dorin Recean made this statement at the International Monetary Fund and World Bank Constituency meeting in Chisinau from July 10-12, as reported by the government’s communication and protocol department.

The prime minister highlighted that the volatile regional situation motivates the authorities to work harder on policies that spur economic growth. “It is challenging because there is a dissonance between reality and public perception. Our policies must address the problems and increase their trust in state institutions,” Dorin Recean said.

He noted recent developments in the European integration process: “This is a very positive political signal, and we are committed to ensuring that all efforts to transform the Republic of Moldova are sustainable and irreversible.”

The prime minister appreciated the significance of hosting the event in Chisinau, which brought 120 representatives from central banks and finance ministries of the IMF and World Bank member countries. He emphasized the key role of international financial institutions in promoting multilateral cooperation and globalization, which is crucial for facilitating the country’s economic progress.


Concluding his speech, the prime minister expressed Moldova’s desire to support Ukraine’s reconstruction and urged international partners to support the neighboring country even more vigorously.

President Maia Sandu and senior officials from the two international organizations, including Kenji Okamura, IMF Deputy Managing Director, and Antonella Bassani, Vice President for Europe and Central Asia at the World Bank, attended the event. The main topics discussed were strategies for achieving robust economic growth and mobilizing capital in an uncertain environment, along with opportunities for innovation.

Since August 12, 2012, the Republic of Moldova has been a member of the Belgian-led and Kingdom of the Netherlands-led Constituency, along with Andorra, Armenia, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Georgia, Israel, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Montenegro, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Romania, and Ukraine.

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