Romania, a reliable partner for Moldova in 2023. President Iohannis’ statements

Romania does not forget about the Republic of Moldova even in 2023. Statements to this effect were made by President Klaus Iohannis, during a press conference organized in Bucharest. In his speech, Iohannis spoke about the challenges of 2022, but also about the priorities for 2023 of the Romanian state.

In the conference organized on the occasion of the annual meeting with the heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Romania, Iohannis also announced the plans of the Romanian state for the Republic of Moldova.


“The year that has just begun will not be easy. It will further test our ability to respond to challenges, to remain in solidarity and above all united. Romania’s response to the crisis caused by Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine will continue to be multidimensional and comprehensive. We will continue to support Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, including their European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations, as appropriate. I repeat here what I conveyed in Kyiv and Chisinau – Romania will provide all the support, for as long as it will be necessary”, declared the President of Romania.

At the end of the speech, Iohannis mentioned that in 2023, Romania aims to further develop Romania’s Strategic Partnership with the United States.

We remind you that Romania is actively involved, together with the Republic of Moldova, in cross-border cooperation projects supported by the European Union, aimed at contributing to the development and cohesion of the participating states. Moreover, the Government of Romania attaches great importance to bilateral relations with the Republic of Moldova and continues to financially support those projects that have a direct impact on improving the quality of life of citizens.

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