Salaries will be increased starting this September

Salaries in the public sector will be increased from September. The increase will be around 6%. The goal is to increase salaries for those with lower incomes, Natalia Gavrilița said on the public radio station.

“In September we will come up with some extraordinary measures, which are not in the usual calendar of salary and pension increases. First of all we will also come with some pay rise in the public sector, but we will also come with one-off pay support to help people cope with these rising prices. It is a sum of three thousand lei in one-time aid in the public sector for those whose salary is less than 15 thousand lei”, said Natalia Gavrilița.


“We will also provide aid for pensioners. We will grant 1,500 lei for those who have pensions of less than five thousand lei. Moreover, we will offer help for the children. We will increase the allowance up to one thousand lei per month. We will also come to the aid of entrepreneurs with compensation for the increase in interest rates. By the way, this is another element to ensure economic agents and to make sure that we have jobs. On the other hand, this is a measure to temper the increase in prices. By taking more expensive loans, entrepreneurs contribute to the increase in the price of production”, said the prime the minister.

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