Switzerland to Offer Additional Support for Projects in Moldova

In a bid to strengthen cooperation and utilize available resources effectively, Switzerland has pledged to provide further support for programs and projects carried out in the Republic of Moldova. The key areas of collaboration were discussed during a meeting between Moldovan Prime Minister, Dorin Recean, and Guido Beltrani, the Director of the Swiss Cooperation Office in Chișinău.

A significant portion of the assistance will be allocated to support the state budget through the World Bank, while the remaining funds will be directed towards financing projects in the fields of healthcare, agriculture, public service enhancement, and improving living conditions in various regions of the country. Additionally, special attention will be given to economic development, enhancing energy efficiency in both public and private buildings, and ensuring the socio-economic integration of Ukrainian refugees in Moldova’s job market.

“Through joint Moldovan-Swiss projects, we are working towards the government’s objective of supporting communities across the country. We emphasize increasing productivity, economic development, attracting investments, and supporting local public authorities. It is crucial that citizens and the business environment throughout the nation benefit from the best conditions for development,” stated Prime Minister Dorin Recean.


During the meeting, the Prime Minister highlighted the investment opportunities that Moldova offers to potential investors and extended an invitation to Swiss entrepreneurs to explore the country’s potential. Furthermore, the officials discussed the benefits of the recently signed Free Trade Agreement with the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) member states, including Liechtenstein. The agreement aims to bolster Moldovan-Swiss economic cooperation and facilitate the trade of goods and services.

The commitment of Switzerland to extend support to Moldova reflects a strong willingness to foster bilateral ties and contribute to the development and well-being of the Moldovan people. These initiatives are expected to have a positive impact on various sectors of the country, promoting economic growth, and improving the overall quality of life for citizens.

As the partnership between Switzerland and Moldova continues to strengthen, both nations look forward to realizing the shared goals of progress and prosperity for their respective populations. The collaboration is expected to set new benchmarks for mutual cooperation and bring about sustainable development in the Republic of Moldova.

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