Tag: National Bank

The National Bank kept the prime rate at 3.6% per annum

The National Bank of Moldova has kept the prime rate applied to the short-term monetary policy operations at the previous level of 3.6% per annum.The Executive Committee of the Central Bank decided...

The Moldova’s foreign exchange reserves increased by $10 million

The foreign exchange reserves of the National Bank of Moldova increased by $10 million, $5.3 billion in the period January 12-19, central bank data show, writes Bani.md.The increase in official reserves was...

The National Bank of Moldova has established six priorities. Find out how banks in Moldova will be supervised

The National Bank of Moldova (NBM) will continue this year to carefully supervise the activity of licensed banks in order to keep them well-capitalized and stable. These are the conditions in which...

The National Bank made an important decision with regard to cryptocurrencies

The National Bank of Moldova (BNM) has banned cryptocurrency transactions. The BNM motivated its decision by the lack of legislative regulation in the Republic of Moldova regarding the use of virtual money.There...

When will the monetary policy be relaxed, according to Octavian Armașu

The interest rate will be reduced depending on how the conditions will evolve, how the inflation rate will be. If the trend will be a sustainable one, Moldova is going to move...

Interview with the Governor of the National Bank, Octavian Armașu

MOLDOVALIVE.MD:What should the market expect from the NBM's monetary policy by the end of 2022?The National Bank will use all monetary policy instruments and will take all necessary measures to bring inflation...


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