The National Bank of Moldova has established six priorities. Find out how banks in Moldova will be supervised

The National Bank of Moldova (NBM) will continue this year to carefully supervise the activity of licensed banks in order to keep them well-capitalized and stable. These are the conditions in which the domestic banking system ended 2022 with good financial results, with the banks maintaining all prudential indicators above the regulated limits.

Thus, the priorities established for the year 2023 refer to maintaining an adequate level of liquid assets; identification and proper management of credit risk; preventing and combating money laundering and terrorist financing; the applicability of internal stress testing and their degree of correspondence with macroeconomic conditions; assessment and resolution of vulnerabilities related to payment systems and payment services and others.

The efforts of the National Bank will focus on the actions taken in the context of the trends of digitization of payment services and the modernization of the automated interbank payment system, as well as the implementation of the instant payment scheme in the near future. At the same time, the NBM will ensure that the banks effectively test their business continuity plans and demonstrate the ability to support the bank’s resilience for all operations carried out.

In 2022, the main concerns of the National Bank of Moldova were the effective management of the immediate effects of the war in Ukraine, as well as those caused by inflation and the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, despite the negative external factors, the indicators of the banking sector fell above the regulated limits, reflecting, in this way, the resilience of the sector as a result of the reforms of recent years.


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