Tag: oleg horjan

“The murder of Oleg Khorzhan is the first political murder in Moldova”: Mark Tkaciuk about the attempt to “hush up” what happened

The murder of Oleg Khorzhan is political. Mark Tkachuk puts forward three versions of what happened, saying that the Pridnestrovian opposition leader died from torture.Mark Tkachuk, a member of the executive committee...

The US Embassy in Moldova announced the position of the institution regarding the assassination of opposition politic Oleg Khorozhan in Transnistria

The US Embassy in Moldova condemned the killings of opposition politic Oleg Khorozhan in Transnistria. This was reported in a press release from the institution."The United States Embassy condemns the murder of...

OSCE Urges Transparent Investigation into Death of Transnistrian Communist Leader Khorzhan

The OSCE Mission in Moldova has called on the authorities in Tiraspol to "thoroughly investigate this crime and provide transparent information to the public" regarding the death of the leader of the...


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