Tag: politics

“Moldova Chooses Europe” campaign in Edinet. Find out what people think about European integration.

"There I want. The law is the law", "Let's live better, like in Europe, let everything be like in Europe and prices not higher than in Europe," or "I am in favor...

The Parliament of Moldova organized an exhibition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution

The parliament is hosting an exhibition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Republic of Moldova's Constitution. The display features over 150 publications from the National Library of Moldova and the Library...

Romania will continue to cooperate with Moldova on energy interconnection

Romania will continue cooperating with the Republic of Moldova on energy interconnection, the head of diplomacy from across the Prut, Luminita Odobescu, said ahead of the EU Foreign Affairs Council. The diplomat...

European Political Community: The benefits Moldova gained after the four EPC leaders’ summits

How was the European Political Community (EPC) established?Kyiv, Chisinau, and Tbilisi applied for EU membership after Russia invaded Ukraine. Meanwhile, the EU's consideration of Balkan states for accession has intensified discussions about...

Acceptance of documents for registration of electoral blocs started in Moldova

Starting today, July 22, authorities will begin accepting documents to register electoral blocs for nominating candidates for President of the Republic of Moldova in the October 20, 2024, elections.The Central Electoral Commission...

Prime Minister Dorin Recean met US Charge d’Affaires in Moldova Nina Maria Fite

Prime Minister Dorin Recean met with US Charge d'Affaires to Moldova Nina Maria Fite. The discussions focused on the consistent bilateral partnership at all levels and the extensive cooperation program with the...

The head of state met with Moldovans living in Ireland

During a working visit to Dublin, Moldovan President Maia Sandu met with Moldovan citizens living there. The head of state said that Ireland is a country that proves that economic development and...

Maia Sandu and Dorin Recean congratulated Ursula von der Leyen on re-electing to head the European Commission

President Maia Sandu congratulated Ursula von der Leyen on re-electing today to head the European Commission for a five-year term."In these difficult times, your leadership is vital for a stronger Europe. I...


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