Tag: tribute

The gates of the Republican Stadium “revived” by Americans: “In a sign of homage…”

The historic gates of the Republican Stadium and the entrance to the former sports objective will be renovated by the US Government following the transfer of ownership of the land. The Government...

Maia Sandu Pays Tribute to Victims of the Largest Stalinist Deportation Wave in Bessarabia

President Maia Sandu delivered a poignant message today, commemorating the victims of the largest Stalinist deportation wave in Bessarabia. The head of state emphasized that the Republic of Moldova will continue to...

(PHOTO GALLERY) Tribute to the doctors inside the Parliament

An exhibition of photographs by master photographer Mihai Vengher, dedicated to medical workers, is being hosted by Parliament this week. The exhibition is organized on the occasion of the Day of the...


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