The gates of the Republican Stadium “revived” by Americans: “In a sign of homage…”

The historic gates of the Republican Stadium and the entrance to the former sports objective will be renovated by the US Government following the transfer of ownership of the land. The Government is set to ratify the agreement for the property transfer to the Americans on July 17.

The decision is made “as a tribute to the historical significance of the former stadium.” The Executive has published a project stating that the American side has committed to delineating the space between public territory and the diplomatic mission’s area, where a new U.S. Embassy will be built.

“The US Government commits to reserving a portion of the land for public park spaces and will collaborate with the Moldovan Government and local design professionals to develop their design. Additionally, the parties will agree on a name for the park space that reflects their shared values of collaboration and the friendly relationship between the countries, a common ideal or goal, or another suitable name upon mutual agreement,” states the project published by representatives of the cabinet of ministers.


At the same time, the diplomatic mission reserves the right to use a portion of the park space for exhibitions, cultural events, placing statues or monuments, and other similar activities.

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