Ten business development projects led by women from the Republic of Moldova benefited from Voucher-type financial support within the “Support to local women producers in business development, for sustainable growth and resilience in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic” project. The Voucher Support Program is in its second edition and was organized based on a competitive process. It provides for the financing of projects with 60,000 MDL each.
The call for proposals was opened to local women producers with small production capacity, regardless of legal form, location, activity, as well as business experience. In the first edition of the Voucher Support Program, 13 women benefited from financial aid of 30 thousand MDL each.

The funding is intended for entrepreneurial development, while contributing to creating more employment opportunities for other women, reducing inequalities and developing a sustainable environment. The financing obtained thanks to the support program is to be used by local producers in order to develop the business and increase its visibility on the market, more precisely through design, copywriting and social media services; support in accessing funding and preparing the file for accessing support programs; product photo shoots; creating a web page; procurement of production equipment and machinery; as well as the subcontracting of other services, with a direct impact on business development.
Natalia Efros, co-founder of “AlterEgo” Winery and beneficiary of the Voucher Support Program claims: “The platform created and offered by UN Women is more than a momentary opportunity, it is a certainty that the efforts of women entrepreneurs are validated and heard. I am grateful for this Voucher grant, which is an important support in our intention to automate certain processes at the winery and makes me more confident in our entrepreneurial intention. Moreover, this is an important signal to other female entrepreneurs who need a dose of confidence that they can succeed. I succeeded! Thanks!”
Doina Grati, the founder of the “Doina’s Orchard” project, also obtained financial support within the program. “I am deeply grateful. First of all, because the local fairs helped us to identify the target audience and increase the number of sales. At the same time, through this support program, we have the opportunity to purchase a vacuum machine that will allow us to sell dried plums during the warm period of the year, something that has not been possible until now. Also, this device will help us to package the products so that they are accepted in more stores in the country” – says the entrepreneur.