The bomb alerts are “aimed at destabilizing the situation in Moldova”

The Minister of Defense, Anatolie Nosatîi, is of the opinion that the recent bomb alerts are actions that aim to destabilize the situation in the Republic of Moldova. With such a statement came the Minister of Defense for the Agora website.

“We cannot definitively confirm that they are for discrediting the country’s leadership, but with regret, they have a great negative effect on the citizens of the Republic of Moldova”, said the Minister of Defense.

Anatolie Nosatîi also specified that the employees of the Ministry of Defense participated in several bomb alert checks. This is due to the large number of requests.

“The army has constantly prepared and continues to prepare to act in different scenarios,” declared Nosatîi.


We specify that in recent weeks in the Republic of Moldova, an “avalanche” of bomb alerts has been registered. Most of the time, messages about alleged threats were recorded at the Airport. The Parliament, and the central parks of the Capital were also targeted. So far, the specialized troops have not found any dangerous objects.

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