The first Moldovan winery awarded Gold for two wines bottled in PET bottles

Moldovan winemakers are increasingly taking up sustainability practices in the industry and managing to keep up with the world’s major wine producers. Castel Mimi is the first winery in the country to bottle wines in PET bottles and recently won two Gold medals at the prestigious MUNDUS VINI Summer Tasting.

At the blind tasting, worldwide sommeliers gave top marks to two of Castel Mimi Wine Resort’s wines bottled in PET bottles – Merlot Rose and Sauvignon Blanc, awarded Gold medals.

According to the manufacturer, the bottle and the cork are fully recyclable. The PET bottle weighs only 59 grams, and thanks to its low weight, it saves energy in the production process and weight in transportation.


“Castel Mimi promotes nature and the principles of sustainable business. We have launched a Smartpacking wine edition that upholds these values. The winery bottles the wines in PET bottles made from recycled materials. This packaging reduces CO2 emissions by 77% compared to standard glass.

The wine is fully protected from UV and oxygen, ensuring safe preservation of its quality,” writes Adrian Trofim, CEO of Castel Mimi, on his social media page.

Wines from the Smartpacking series are available at Castel Mimi’s store, but the producer has announced they will soon be available in Moldova’s supermarkets.

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