The Government’s plan for the Moldovan railways: Transformed into a joint-stock company and divided into several enterprises

The Moldovan Railways could be transformed into a joint-stock company and then divided into several enterprises, according to the head of the Public Property Agency (PPA), Roman Cojuhari. According to the official, this will divide the branches among the newly created enterprises.

In his opinion, there are several assets that the enterprise does not utilize. This includes buildings, scrap metal, old carriages, and locomotives that can no longer be useful for railway infrastructure, said the PPA director in the TV8 program “Cutia Neagra.”

“The first step is to reorganize it into a joint-stock company. After that, we need to proceed with the business division. This will segment it into different areas: one for infrastructure, one for cargo transportation, and one for passenger services,” explained Cojuhari.

The official also stated that once authorities complete the necessary analyses, they will determine how many joint-stock companies Moldovan Railways will split into and what the timeline for implementing the initiative will be.


Cojuhari also mentioned that the issues at the Moldovan Railways are not new. Also, if they determine that they need fewer employees, they will optimize the number of workers.

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