The ministerial conference of the Moldova Support Platform will gather 65 official delegations. Deputy Prime Minister Mihai Popsoi: “Our friends will send a clear message – we are for a European, modern and secure Moldova”

Sixty-five delegations, led by ministers, deputy ministers, state secretaries from partner countries, and representatives from the diplomatic corps and international organizations, are expected to attend the fifth edition of the Ministerial Conference of the Moldova Partnership Platform. Moldova’s allies will gather to deliver a unified message: “We stand for a European, modern, and secure Moldova,” Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi announced at a news conference today.

The event, set to take place in Chisinau on 17 September 2024, will be held under the patronage of Prime Minister Dorin Recean.

“We will focus our efforts on the Platform’s four working groups. The first group will address justice, anti-corruption, and security; the second will focus on energy, energy efficiency, and the environment; the third will cover sustainable economic development and strategic infrastructure; and the fourth will tackle public administration reform and public finance management. We aim to identify key actions and resource needs that align with our development priorities for 2025-2027, aiming to boost sustainable income and create well-paid jobs and decent living conditions here in Moldova,” stated Mihai Popsoi.

He emphasized the authorities’ commitment to maximizing Moldova’s integration with the European Union to drive economic growth and improve the population’s quality of life.

“This can be achieved through infrastructure investments, particularly in energy efficiency, to reduce energy vulnerability and costs. We must also continue fostering economic growth by supporting the business environment. The Partnership Platform meeting highlights Moldova’s dedication to anchoring itself in an area of peace, prosperity, and democracy. Moldova is proving to be a stable country, building democracy and creating opportunities for its citizens’ well-being,” Popsoi added.

The deputy prime minister also expressed gratitude to Moldova’s international partners, stating, “Launched by Germany, France, and Romania in March 2022 following Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine, this Platform has helped us navigate vulnerabilities, maintain stability and continue our economic and social reforms. We are especially thankful to the foreign ministers of France, Germany, and Romania for their essential role in the Platform’s success.”

After hosting the first three conferences in Berlin, Bucharest, and Paris, Moldova took over the coordination of the Platform, organizing the fourth edition in Chișinău in October 2023.

“Throughout the four editions of the Platform’s conference, we have successfully mobilized strong international support. With contributions to the Energy Vulnerability Reduction Fund, we could compensate citizens for their utility bills, assist our Ukrainian neighbors, and enhance border security. We also enhanced our capacity to counter hybrid threats while advancing our European integration agenda and strengthening our social and economic resilience,” Popsoi emphasized.


He highlighted concrete initiatives launched through the Platform to improve citizens’ lives, such as boosting energy security by implementing energy efficiency projects in 25 educational and social public buildings, providing safer heating and hot water services to consumers, and reducing thermal energy consumption in 57 apartment blocks and over 200 public institutions across Moldova.

“As we move forward on our path toward European integration, we are also advancing reforms for our citizens. This initiative is evolving from a crisis-response Support Platform to a long-term partnership focused on cooperation and shared resources to achieve our development goals,” Popșoi concluded.

The Moldova Support Platform, initiated by Romania, Germany, and France, aims to generate political, financial, and material support and expert advice for Moldova’s democratic reform process. It draws support from EU institutions and member states, G7 countries, international financial institutions, and other development partners. The Platform aims to mobilize, coordinate, and concentrate international support for Moldova’s development.

The first ministerial conference of the Moldova Support Platform was held in Berlin on 5 April 2022, followed by the second in Bucharest on 15 July 2022, the third in Paris on 21 November 2022, and the fourth in Chișinău on 17 October 2023.

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