The “MoldAlert” system could operate in Moldova starting in 2026. The head of GIES stated that all subscribers could be notified within 10 seconds

The MoldAlert system could start operating in the Republic of Moldova in 2026. Alexandru Oprea, the head of the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, made this statement on the national radio station. He explained that the program will be similar to the one currently functioning in the member states of the European Union.

Citizens will receive notifications on their mobile phones, but they will not use SMS technology. These alerts will reach all users simultaneously in case of emergencies, extreme weather events, or other dangers.

“The messages sent to phones will not use SMS technology; instead, they will reach all users simultaneously. We estimate that with 5G coverage in the Republic of Moldova, we can notify all subscribers within 8 to 10 seconds. This system is very efficient, and the messages will include various information, such as recommendations for citizens to follow.


We want to connect multiple institutions within this system to make it universal. For instance, the National Weather Service will notify us about extreme weather events, the police will inform us about public order incidents, and specialized institutions will alert us about environmental hazards. This way, depending on the nature of the event, we can use the same system for all types of risks,” Oprea stated for Radio Moldova.

Once the system is operational, the authorities will launch an information campaign to prepare the population for the new tool. Approximately 400,000 euros are needed to implement the project, with around 92% of the funds from external partners.

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