Moldova’s population decreases dramatically

At the beginning of 2022, the population of the Republic of Moldova was 2.6 million people, decreasing by 0.9% during 2021, according to the data of the National Bureau of Statistics, writes

If in 2014 the population of the Republic of Moldova was 2.8 million inhabitants, in 2017 it was already 2.73 million.

At the beginning of 2022, approximately 52.3% of the population of the Republic of Moldova was female and 47.7% male.

By 2019, net migration, which remains negative, has had a significant impact on population decline. Thus, if in the period 2016-2019 42-26 thousand people left the Republic of Moldova annually, in 2020 and 2021 – 7.1 thousand people. In the age structure of the population, the largest share is the citizens aged between 35-39 years (8.1%) and 30-34 years (7.9%), and the least numerous is the group of age 20-24 years (5%). The working age population of Moldova represents approximately 59.2% of the population.

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The average age of the country’s population increased during the year, from 39.5 to 39.7 years. The population pyramid shows a declining pattern of the number of citizens aged 36-56, reflecting the cumulative effect of negative net migration rates for young people in recent decades. The aging rate of the population (60 years and over per 100 inhabitants) at the beginning of 2022 is estimated at 22.8 people per 100 inhabitants, compared to 22.3 in 2021.

The World Bank’s forecasts are bleak. By 2050, Moldova could lose 1 million of its population.

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