The Republic of Moldova Joins EU Single Market Program: Brussels Agreement

The Agreement on the Participation of the Republic of Moldova in the EU Single Market Program was signed today in Brussels. President Maia Sandu announced this, mentioning that the program will contribute to preparing the private sector and state institutions for European standards and will enhance the access of Moldovan products/services to European markets.

Additionally, the program encourages the creation of startups and the development of competitive and sustainable small and medium-sized enterprises, providing access to the expertise and best practices of EU member states.

“The signing of this agreement represents an important step towards our country’s gradual integration into the EU Single Market and a strong commitment to modernize and align the Republic of Moldova with European standards. A competitive and robust economy translates to well-paying jobs at home and higher living standards for our citizens,” emphasized the head of state.

It is worth mentioning that the EU Single Market, established in 1993, is one of the European Union’s greatest achievements, ensuring the free movement of goods, services, people, and capital across the entire EU territory.

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