The Speaker of the Romanian Senate and MEPs attended the PAS national council meeting: what did they discuss?

Romanian Senate Speaker Nicolae Ciuca, as well as Romanian MEPs Siegfried Muresan and Rares Bogdan, participated in a meeting of the PAS national council, which took place on March 2.

The formation said that the council participants discussed Moldova’s European integration and the referendum on EU accession.

“We talked about what we need to do this year when we have a unique opportunity to say a firm “yes” to EU membership in the referendum and to enshrine it in the Constitution. In recent years, we have made serious progress on our path to the EU, and now we need to ensure the continuation and acceleration of this process,” the party stressed.


The council was also attended by Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu, Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Cristina Gerasimov, Agriculture Minister Vladimir Bolia, Health Minister Alla Nemerenko, Education Minister Dan Perciun, and other representatives of the ruling party.

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