Tiraspol Oppositionist: Transnistria could apply for Russian membership on February 28. Reaction of the Chisinau government

Tiraspol oppositionist Ghenadie Ciorba says Transnistria could apply for Russian membership on 28 February. The message was posted by him on social media and picked up by Infotag, with the politician citing a Putin address to the Federal Assembly the next day.

According to Ciorba, such an order could come to Tiraspol from Moscow itself. According to him, after Putin’s address, the Kremlin could quickly decide to annex Moldova’s breakaway region. The oppositionist also mentioned Lavrov’s statements that the Russian Federation will not leave its citizens in our country in difficulty.

After the information appeared in the public space, the Government reacted and communicated that the Office for Reintegration follows the events on the left bank of the Dniester and communicates continuously with the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe and other international partners.


“From the information we have, there is no reason to believe that the situation in the region could deteriorate. We are convinced that Tiraspol is aware of the consequences it is assuming in case of uncontrolled steps,” the constitutional authorities say.

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