
To learn and apply EU mechanisms at home! Moldovan authorities to second experts to the European Commission

Moldova will send experts to the European Commission: officials will spend up to two years in Brussels to learn EU mechanisms and apply them at home

The government is preparing a draft to ratify an agreement enabling such experience exchanges. The main goal of these secondments is to foster dialogue and cooperation while allowing participants to adopt European practices.


“Public administration officials at the national, regional, or local levels can be seconded to the European Commission for 3 to 5 months. In principle, the secondment of national experts should not exceed two years, ensuring that Moldovan officials return to their home administration and share their experience,” the document states.

After the agreement is ratified, the European Commission plans to inform Moldova’s Mission to the EU about available positions under the programs for Seconded National Experts (SNE) and National Experts in Professional Training (NEPT).

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