The support program for the development of enterprises in the tourism sector, presented at the “Entrepreneur Expo,” aims to financially assist at least 50 businesses in the tourism industry over the next 3 years. This will be done through the provision of grants under the “Support Program for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Tourism Sector.” Entrepreneurs in this sector can access grants of up to 500,000 lei. One of the conditions is to have a minimum own contribution of 30% of the investment project’s value.

All details regarding the importance of this program for the development of tourism in our country were discussed at the “Entrepreneur Expo,” providing a good opportunity for those interested in discovering growth possibilities and entrepreneurial support in this field. During the event, Nina Potînga, the deputy director of the Entrepreneurship Development Organization, stated that the program has been approved for a 3-year period with an annual budget of at least 10 million lei, funded from both the state budget and EU sources.
“Through this program, the development of the tourism industry will be encouraged, providing opportunities for small businesses, guesthouses, and agro-guesthouses. It will create conditions for the sustainable development of these enterprises, which will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the national economy and the economic growth of the Republic of Moldova. Similarly, this program will stimulate the creation and increase of jobs in rural areas, allowing our citizens to stay at home.”
In turn, Andrei Chistol, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Culture, is pleased that this program offers targeted support to economic agents in the tourism industry or those looking to develop a business in this field.

“Let’s not forget that the Entrepreneurship Development Organization has other programs that offer financial support to colleagues in the tourism industry. Certainly, here we need to work on developing the tourism product, the national tourist offer, to be prepared to receive foreign tourists. There is a concern to develop tourist activity in rural areas,” said Andrei Chistol.
This program is seen as a significant additional source to enhance investment capacity within a tourism business, said Viorel Miron, the executive director of the Tourism Development Association in Moldova.
“About 90 percent of the national territory can be covered by this program, and I am referring to the rural environment, where we have all types of accommodation units, catering facilities, or opportunities for organizing recreational activities for tourists. This program has a sufficiently broad and balanced list of actions that can be financed. And that is good because both those in the accommodation sector and those in the catering sector or those providing support could be beneficiaries.”

In the first call, held in October, over 80 investment projects were submitted and are currently in the analysis process. Grants will be prioritized for entrepreneurs active in the value chain of rural tourism, engaging in or planning business development with components such as green tourism, innovation and digitization, and demonstrating sustainable evolution of economic indicators based on financial situations from the past 2 years.
Non-repayable financial support is provided for the reconstruction, furnishing, and equipping of accommodation and/or catering units, as well as tourism-related recreational facilities. The funds can also be used for improving digital infrastructure and conducting online promotion activities, such as online campaigns, printed materials, tourist signage, marketing, and destination promotion activities, as well as organizing information tours.

Entrepreneurs who are already engaged in tourism or related activities with the potential to organize tourist activities in villages, communities, and cities with a population of up to 30,000 inhabitants are eligible to apply for this program.
The support program for the development of small and medium enterprises in the tourism sector is funded by the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the EU, through the Entrepreneurship Development Organization (ODA). It is one of the seven EU co-funded programs with 8 million euros for a period of 3 years under the “EU for SMEs” Project. Approximately 500,000 euros are allocated from the total budget to the Support Program for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Rural Tourism.