
Tudor Ulianovschi returns to Moldova as a prospective candidate for presidential elections

During the recent interview of Tudor Ulianovschi by the journalist Gheorghe Gonta, at the TV Show “Puterea a patra”, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova and currently a businessman, Tudor Ulianovschi answered questions about the current political landscape in the country, his views for economic development of Moldova and his future plans for a successful political career. 

Following the recent information leaked to the Moldovan public, Tudor Ulianovschi emerged as a potential candidate for the upcoming presidential elections, news that sparked considerable attention and speculation, not only to the Moldovan civil society but also to the diplomatic corps accredited in Chisinau.

Ulianovschi, a former diplomat and seasoned politician, currently a businessman working in a multinational corporation in the field of renewables, has garnered recognition for his outspoken advocacy for democratic principles, a new vision and strategy to modernize Moldova’s economy by attracting foreign investors, in a country grappling with systemic challenges and inefficient governance.

Following journalist Gonta’s question about the views of Moldova’s former chief of diplomacy on the recent negative democratic and economic decisions by the Government, Ulianovschi expressed his unwavering commitment to fostering transparency, accountability, and justice within Moldova’s governance structures. Specifically, former minister Ulianovschi highlighted that the national laws and Moldova’s legal framework, especially the Electoral Code, cannot be changed arbitrarily and only a couple of months before the presidential elections and the “rules of the game can’t be changed during the game”. Ulianovschi mentioned that the ruling party PAS (Party of Action and Solidarity) made the same mistakes done by the former political regime of Vladimir Plahotniuc, when PAS changed the Electoral Code for political benefit of its own party.

In this context, Ulianovschi made an exclusive address in English to the foreign embassies accredited in Moldova, with a call to adopt a more vocal stance and provide constructive criticism to the current government and to exclude anti-constitutional decisions, which can create problems for Moldova’s future democratic development and abuse by any ruling political party.

Journalist Gheorghe Gonta appreciated Ulianovschi’s willingness to challenge entrenched power structures and advocate for meaningful change signals a departure from conventional politics in Moldova. During the interview, the host reflected upon the need for a single common presidential candidate that will unite the Moldovan society and all of the extra-parliamentary parties, with a pro-western vision, in order to create a solid alternative for the undecided and disappointed Moldovan voters.

When asked about his intentions on the upcoming presidential elections in Moldova this year, Tudor Ulianovschi mentioned that he will take a final decision soon, while already being actively engaged in talks with political parties, the civil society, experts and think tanks, as well as the wide variety of Moldovan citizens wanting change in this politically divided country. 

Tudor Ulianovschi is a former Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova, a career diplomat with more than 17 years of governmental experience. One of the eight candidates to the Director General of the World Trade Organization. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva and Ambassador to Switzerland, Charge d’affaires in Qatar and the United States. Ulianovschi is currently the Vice President of a multinational company in the renewable energy sector based in Canada and a member of the Board of the Canadian Solar Energy Industry Association and the American Solar Energy Industry Association.

Tudor Ulianovschi’s address to foreign ambassadors accredited in Moldova:

“Excellencies, Ambassadors, dear friends,

I know that we all love the Republic of Moldova. We want the best for our country and we want the best for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova. We want democracy to prosper in the Republic of Moldova.

At the same time, I am concerned and amazed by the silence of Your Excellencies to the recent democratic developments and legal changes in the Republic of Moldova that have a potential to benefit one party and not to benefit other democratic parties in the Republic of Moldova.

Extreme politicization of the decisions taken by the Government with regards to the rule of law, democracy, free and fair elections, freedom of expression and freedom of the press, which is extremely important to uphold. And, unfortunately, while I have seen how active you were in the previous years, there is a question that exists in the society on your silence and the lack of a hint of a constructive critique on your behalf, when there are certain decisions taken for political purposes in the Republic of Moldova.

I strongly encourage you to be more vocal to sustain the Euro-Atlantic direction of the Republic of Moldova, to sustain European integration, to sustain the Moldovan democratic development and economic development, but for the benefit of the entire society and not for the benefit of a single party.

And it is very important that all of the efforts that are taken should be to make sure that at the presidential and parliamentary elections that are going to take place in Moldova this and next years, there is going to be a majority that continues the path for European and euro-atlantic integration.

I thank you and I applaud your efforts, but we have to work for the benefit of the entire Republic of Moldova and not for a one party solution.

Thank you!”

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