“Ukraine Day in Moldova” festival will take place in Chisinau. Who are the organizers, and what the program includes?

The annual “Ukraine Day in Moldova” festival will be on 5 October in Chisinau at the Artcor Center, located at 137, 31 August 1989 Street. The event promotes the development of the Ukrainian community in Moldova, identifies its potential, facilitates integration into our society, and strengthens intercultural dialog.

The celebration will include panel discussions, various workshops for children and adults, performances, tastings of national cuisine, performances of national costumes, and movie screenings. At the end, a Ukrainian folk rock band will perform a concert.

Access to the cultural festivities is free, but attendees must pre-register for the panel discussions.


Panel discussions:
10:00-10:30 – Official opening of the event (Main Hall)
10:30-11:15 – 1st Panel discussion: “Moving from humanitarian aid to long-term development”
11:15 -11:30 – Coffee break
11:30-12:15 – II Panel Discussion: “Local Community Development in Moldova”
12:15-12:30 – Coffee break
12:30-13:15 – III Panel discussion: “Socio-economic integration of Ukrainians in Moldova”
13:15-13:25 – Signing of partnership agreements between local authorities of Moldova and Ukraine (Small Hall)
Cultural program:
13:20-14:00 – Preparation of traditional dishes – Borsh and Zama
14:00-14:25 – Opening of the cultural program
14:00-18:00 – Simultaneous: areas for children and adults with activities and workshops
14:25-14:40 – Fashion show with traditional folk costumes from Ukraine and Moldova
14:40-14:50 – Traditional Moldovan dance – Hora
14:50-16:00 – VR Simulation: Game – Infrastructure and Development and 360-degree virtual tour of European and Ukrainian cities (Small Hall)
15:00-16:20 – Movie screening (Main Hall)
16:20-17:40 – Performances of traditional Ukrainian and Moldovan dances, songs and plays
17:40-18:00 – Performance of the “National Youth Orchestra of Moldova” (ONTM)
18:00-20:00 – Concert by rock band “Vopli Vidoplyasova” (VV)

The National Congress of Ukrainians from Moldova is organizing the event.

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