Vadim Pistrinciuc on EU accession: society does not show its strength by speed but by resistance.

The Institute for Strategic Initiatives (IPIS) executive director, Vadim Pistrinciuc, is optimistic about opening EU accession negotiations this summer. According to him, at this point, it is significant to take care of our information space and strengthen sound bureaucracy. He made the statements on Rlive TV’s Rezoomat.

“The problem for us does not come from Brussels or Budapest, but it still comes from us. I am optimistic. We are a self-critical people. If you look at things in comparison, in a war situation, in a regional crisis, with problems of logistics, problems of malign informational influence, Moldova is moving forward. It’s certainly not going in the steps we want. It has a vector reforms are being made, again not as quickly and as nuanced as we would like. A society does not show its strength by speed but by resistance and that it can move forward. We must take these compliments. Let’s get ready for negotiations because they will be difficult. The most important thing we have to do now is to take care of our information space, this is an important one for the country. It is obvious to all that we are the target of an information war. The second thing is to strengthen the healthy bureaucracy because these things we are talking about concern one directorate among the foreign ministries, but all of them,” said Vadim Pistrinciuc.

We recall that after Politico published a story about the possible formal launch of accession negotiations for Moldova on June 25, Dorin Recean confirmed that there is such a goal. On the other hand, the European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, Oliver Varhelyi, says we still have work to do.


The eighth meeting of the Republic of Moldova-European Union Association Council kicked off on Tuesday in Brussels. Several ministers, led by Ddorin Recean, were in the Belgian capital, where they discussed with European officials our country’s accession to the EU, cooperation in various fields, regional security, combating cyber attacks, and other relevant topics.

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