Vasile Tarlev – Candidate portrait

The president of the “Future of Moldova” Party, Vasile Tarlev, is the fourth candidate officially registered by the Central Electoral Commission for the presidential race. He was born on October 6, 1963, in Bascalia, Basarabeasca district. He is married and has two children. According to previous media reports, Tarlev speaks Romanian and Russian and has basic knowledge of English and French.

Vasile Tarlev studied at the “Serghei Lazo” Polytechnic Institute in Chisinau from 1985 to 1990, focusing on Technology. After graduation, he worked as a chief mechanical engineer at the “Bucuria” factory. In 1991, he became the chief engineer and later served as the general deputy director of the company.

After leaving the “Bucuria” factory, Tarlev entered national politics. In April 2001, he was appointed Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova. Four years later, on March 6, he was elected as a deputy in Parliament on the Communist Party’s list. However, Tarlev did not remain in the legislature for long; just a month later, he was elected Prime Minister of the country for a second time. His second appointment as premier aimed to ensure continuity in the governance of the Republic of Moldova.

In 2008, Tarlev transferred his responsibilities to the new Prime Minister, Zinaida Greceanii. That same year, he was elected leader of the Centrist Union of Moldova party. He participated in the 2009 parliamentary elections, but his party did not meet the electoral threshold. Later that year, he left the party and withdrew from politics.


Tarlev returned to the political scene in 2012 when he was elected co-chairman of the “Renastere” Party alongside Vadim Misin. He also ran in the 2014 parliamentary elections, but his party failed to secure enough votes to enter the legislature. In the current presidential elections, Tarlev initially intended to run as an independent candidate; however, after the Central Electoral Commission rejected his application, he was nominated by the team of the “Viitorul Moldovei” Party, which he leads.

According to the declaration of assets and personal interests submitted to the Central Electoral Commission (CEC), the Tarlev family earned a salary of 2,363 Romanian lei in 2023 from the company “Tarogo Transport.” In the same year, the candidate’s family sold a property for 360,000 euros. The declaration also included a donation exceeding 290,464 lei.

Tarlev inherited agricultural land and two apartments—one acquired through an inheritance contract and the other through a donation. He also owns a house, which he obtained in 2006 through a certificate of inheritance. Additionally, he has several bank accounts in Moldova and Romania, including one in lei and the rest in euros.

Vasile Tarlev_Declarație de… by

Bright Communications produced this material as part of the “Be informed, vote consciously” Project, supported by the Promo-LEX Association and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The opinions expressed in the material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Promo-LEX Association and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

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