Veronica Dragalin: Chief prosecutor investigating bank fraud resigns


The chief prosecutor in charge of investigating bank fraud has resigned, Veronica Dragalin has announced. The head of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA) made the statement on the national television studio, noting that the official was among 10 of her subordinates who decided to leave the post in June.

The PA chief also mentioned that four resigned prosecutors represented the institution in court. Thus, the pressure on the other officials of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office is increasing due to the large case number.

“We had four prosecutors who resigned from the section for representing the prosecution in court, where we have about 500 criminal cases. When only six prosecutors remain out of the original ten, they must handle hundreds of cases. It becomes much more difficult to cope,” Dragalin said.


In this context, Veronica Dragalin also noted that prosecutors’ trust in vetting has decreased. At the same time, according to her, the remaining prosecutors in the system will comply with the law and go through the stages of integrity assessment.

The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office announced on June 14 that ten prosecutors had submitted their resignation requests.