(VIDEO) Former defense minister: EU and NATO do not bring war to Moldova. The only country that can provoke it is Russia

The rapprochement with the European Union and the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO) will not bring war to Moldova, and the only country that can provoke it is Russia, former Defense Minister Anatol Salaru believes. He made the statements during the program “Realitatea te priveste,” broadcast on RLIVE TV. The former official claims Moscow’s propaganda exponents are spreading speculations about alleged dangers to undermine Moldova’s European path.

Salaru claims that the purpose of the speculations is to denigrate the pro-European government. The former defense chief also emphasized that NATO is a defensive organization, not an offensive one.

“This is how it coincided that the current government is the exponent of our European path. It is the government that applied for membership in the European Union and was accepted, and it is the government that started negotiations on chapters. Of course, with the presidential elections and the referendum now taking place. Russia is trying to discredit this government in the eyes of its voters and to discredit the referendum as well by marching on the idea that the referendum is not important and that we should not go to a referendum.


If it is not important, why are they investing so much money to discredit this referendum? Someone is attempting to drag the Republic of Moldova into a war, but not the European Union or NATO. They are trying to pull us toward Russia,” said Salaru.

The former minister also explained that the Moldovan president has no powers to declare war on anyone nor to send troops to Transnistria in case of a possible escalation, as the competence lies with the parliament. At the same time, the politician is confident that Russian narratives cannot influence the results of the EU accession referendum.

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