(VIDEO) From Foreign Work to Local Success: Andrian Popa’s Journey to Building a Home and Business

Andrian Popa, from Cazangic village in Leova district, worked abroad for several years to save enough money to buy his own house. When he returned, he started a small sweet business in 2017. To help expand his business, he later applied for European funding.

“I applied for the PARE 1+1 Program last year in March. My investment amounted to 360 thousand. I gave an advance to buy beehives, and I got 200 beehives for 428 thousand and 60 bee families. I think that the integration of the Republic of Moldova is welcome for us. I think there will be many advantages for export, import, exchange of goods,” said the young entrepreneur.


Andrian Popa’s story is part of the campaign launched by the REALITATEA Press Group: “Moldova Chooses Europe,” in which we tell about successful businesses launched in Moldova with financial support from the European Union.

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