(VIDEO) Kovesi in Chisinau to warn Moldovan politicians? “We will have files together with Moldovan colleagues”

The head of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office said that the purpose of her visit to Chisinau is to discuss with the Moldovan authorities the possible fraud of European funds. Laura Codrutsa Kovesi is confident that there will be joint files of the EU and Moldovan prosecutors, and the meetings will be on September 2 to discuss how to handle possible situations of this kind.

Kovesi highlighted that prosecutors and organized crime groups closely monitor European funds, warning that fraud could empower criminals.

“Pre-accession funds will be substantial. Where there are European funds, we see fraud. That’s why we’re here. Although we have protocols in place, we need more concrete discussions on how to manage these cases. We will undoubtedly work on future cases with our colleagues from the Republic of Moldova, and today’s meeting will focus on this issue.


As we scrutinize the use of European funds, organized crime groups are doing the same. They grow stronger through fraud involving European funds and VAT fraud,” Kovesi stated.

The European Union’s top prosecutor also praised Veronica Dragalin and said that perfect systems do not exist, but officials must do their jobs properly.

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